

Here are some things you'll hear on today's show: --Find your why...your calling --Verity's why is to help you find your God-given potential --Pain limits you and can keep you from your why --How can you find your why? --Roadblocks to finding your why, including: --Drift Syndrome --Too Busy for Passion --Cognitive Overload --Distractions Fragment Focus --Bad diets fog your mind --Be intentional wherever you are --Say what you mean and mean what you say --Learn to communicate properly --Don't let anyone steal your happiness - don't give them that power --So many people dwell on their past, then blame their past --The blame game keeps you from moving forward --Learn from the past, but don't live in it --Budget your time --Put your phone down and talk to people --Be honest with yourself about yourself --Don't be distracted by material things --Remind yourself of your why --We are fearfully and wonderfully made --What is your goal? --We are wired for more, but we settle for less https://www.verityhealthcente