River Valley Christian Church

A Better House (Hebrews 3:1-14)



EDITORS NOTE: At the 17:25, our sermon recording was interrupted. We were able to capture the remainder of the sermon from a different audio source, but we lost 3-4 minutes of the sermon. When the recording picks back up, you can hear Brandon discussing how God's house is characterized by obedience. He cites Hebrews 3:1 just before the audio resumes: “Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession…” Selected Quotes: “The house of god is characterized by the holiness of God.” "Most disobedience comes down to an issue of distrust. We don’t trust God to be who He is or to do what He’s promised to do. If you are in a season of disobedience to God, it means you are distrusting Him in some way. Confidence and hope look like obedience.” “We take care of God’s house by taking care of one another."