Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#007: How Investing in Relationships Gives You the Biggest Return on Your Legacy



I don't know much about the stock market. I don't know much about investing money, where you should put it, mutual funds, 401k's or "retirement packages." All I know is that I have one and I think that it's doing pretty well. Good thing today's episode has nothing to do with money. IT DOES HAVE EVERYTHING TO DO WITH INVESTING. We live in a culture in which we have been taught to take rather than give and consume rather than invest. We do this with just about everything imaginable. For most of us, we consume so we can get ahead. We consume so we can get the life we want. And guess what - for a while, our consumption of anything and everything around us gives us precisely what we want. But if there is anything I am learning about my journey it's this - the life I want and the consuming I want to do isn't always what is best for me. What I should be doing is building the life I need. If I can learn to do that, then I know it will turn into the life I want. STOP CONSUMING PEOPLE. START INVESTING IN THEM. On today