Metathinking With Toby Groves, Phd

Social Immune Systems: The Hidden Psychology of High-Stakes Organizational Decisions



Social Immune Systems The Hidden Psychology of High-Stakes Organizational Decisions     The hidden psychology of high stakes organizational decisions           Some of the very best critical thinking research in the world has been done with flight crews and medical teams.  There is an almost endless number of fascinating cases to explore. There's one, though, that I've become more obsessed with than others.  It happened on Thursday, January 25th, 1990.  At 9:34 pm, after a long flight and multiple holding patterns, Avianca flight 52 was given clearance to land on runway 22L at JFK.  Wind shear was terrible that night and visibility was limited.  The crew found themselves descending quickly and only 200 feet off the ground more than a mile from the airport.  If you listen to the cockpit voice recorder, you hear the captain abruptly ask the first officer where the runway is, and the first officer answers “I don’t see it."  The ground proximity warning system gave them voice alerts to pull up, and they executed