Ken Arciga's Manceptional Podcast

004: Hard Knock Life—Finding yourself through Kyokushin-Kan Karate with Shihan Tom Callahan



In today's episode, we have a very insightful discussion with Shihan Tom Callahan, US country representative and worldwide Secretary for Kyokushin-Kan karate. We also learn a little about his double-life as a Hollywood record label executive where he marketed and promoted famous musicians like Lenny Kravitz, Paula Abdul and more, and now consults for music related companies in the today's digital industry. Kyokushin-kan is a very traditional “hard-style" karate, but we get insight into how we can harness the spiritual side to ultimately become a better version of ourselves—find our true inner spirit, execute our path and find joy and happiness as much as is humanly possible. Enjoy as we discuss the journey and learn from Shihan Tom's life experience. Osu!