River Valley Christian Church

Week 4 | David The Humble



Selected Quotes: "Humility isn’t about seeing yourself as worthless; it’s about seeing others as worth more.” "When we live in pride, we are always concerned with what other people think about us. When we live in humility, we recognize that God’s opinion matters more.” "Letting God calculate your life is the very foundation of humility." Series Info: Throughout Scripture, King David is described as a man after God’s own heart. Chasing after God was David’s life pursuit. He sought after the heart of God with a passion most can’t even come close to matching. He chased God’s heart out onto a battlefield where he met the giant Goliath. He chased God’s heart into Jerusalem, where he found the throne God designed specifically for him. He chased God’s heart in worship, leaving behind a book of Psalms that inspires people even to this day. In (almost) everything he did, King David pursued the King o