Pi & Mash

A brief guide to AI and Machine Learning



Today we’re going to jump right into two of the hottest topics in technology - AI and machine learning. We hear these terms bandied around in mainstream media all the time, but what do they actually boil down to? Show notes (hyperlinks available on  most mobile devices) Useful Links Mindshare Huddle event - The Journey to Post Human Do Not Pay - The chatbot designed to fight your parking fines for you.  Joshua Browder also wrote an article on medium to announce the fact he was open sourcing the technology to anyone who wanted to make use of it, the article can be found here.   Google Vision API - Image recognition and analysis API. Google photos can now organise photos by exact search criteria using image analysis. What-Dog.net - The service that uses image recognition software to distinguish what breed your pampered pooch is. SecondHands - The robot built to assist technicians in Ocado's highly automated warehouses. For more reading material visit our blog. SoMa - Soft manipulatio