

It's true - we didn't even make it through 1 verse last week. So we took that on this week. One of the wonders (and there are many) of the Word is that it runs deep. We too often run through it looking to check it off. not here tho - that would be for our loss. Here Peter is continuing to show us the nearness of our relationship with God. "Where??" you say? Here. Here in the words - "a faith with equal standing as ours". This was a faith based on the righteous, obedient work of Christ. He didn't only forgive us our sins - He makes us Just - declared innocent of all the crimes we have ever loved, lived and bled for - past, present, and future. He has set us not on the same level of the apostles - but instead, in response to our typical need to over or undershoot our value, has put us on the standing of Jesus - something far beyond anything we can imagine or think of. This means something remarkable - because He no longer sees anything but His Sons standing in us. He who knew no sin became all thos