Seaside Church Sermons

Lot's Story & Our Story - 2 Peter 2:1-9



Peter continues his look at the stories of the Old Testament, this time specifically looking at the story of Lot. Often Lot is scripted as a selfish guy, who chose the best land for himself. He is remembered as the guy who volunteered his daughters to the crowd seeking the angelic messengers that were sojourning in his home for the night. Or maybe you remember the story further down the line where those same daughters get him drunk and sleep with him to get pregnant. This guy, this obviously flawed guy, is called righteous by Peter. What?? This is where His story gets complicated. Shoot, it's all complicated. Whereas we want tidy lives and tidy folk leading us, this ongoing story of God continues to involve some crazy twists and turn woven together by a great storyteller - the greatest storyteller. It is too easy, far too easy, to just point at Lot and be disgusted by his action (or lack of). But we are not altogether different. He is not unlike us - just change the actions and we are not so far f