River Valley Christian Church

Week 3 | Doubt



Selected Quotes: “Notice that Jesus doesn’t yell at Thomas. He doesn’t chastise this doubting believer. Instead, He simply gives the proof. He shows the nail-scarred hands.” “Don’t let your doubt dominate you. Don’t let it hide in the darkness. Get it out there. Admit it to God. Ask questions. Look for answers. If you do nothing else, offer up this prayer. 'I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:24) “We are here to help one another. When I doubt, I have people around me to support me. More than that, they can help me wrestle with my doubts. What God is doing in your life reminds me that God is still working even when He seems absent in my life. That’s part of why we’re together as a church." Series Info: Most people today find it easy to be skeptical. How could we not be? We all know what it’s like to be let down. We’ve all experienced the pain of disa