River Valley Christian Church

Week 1 | Defeat



Selected Quotes: "The number one objection to faith isn’t evidence; it’s experience. It’s suffering. And our suffering casts a long shadow over our faith.” "Jesus has a habit of showing up in the places of defeat.” “The cross - a symbol of death and defeat - became a symbol of the greatest victory.” Series Preview: Most people today find it easy to be skeptical. How could we not be? We all know what it’s like to be let down. We’ve all experienced the pain of disappointment when things didn’t work out quite the way we thought. So, we tend to take everything we hear with a grain of salt. We hedge our bets so that we can keep from having our hopes destroyed. We tell ourselves that a little bit of skepticism can be a good thing. We don’t want to be naive. We don’t want others to take advantage of our gullibility. We don’t want to let our guard down only to get hurt again. And