River Valley Christian Church

The Heart of a Servant



We live in a world in desperate need of servants. From the time we’re young, selfishness comes naturally to us. We want to do what we want to do. We want to live the way we want to live. We want to act the way we want to act. Even when the Bible confronts us with our own selfishness, it’s difficult for us to shake those old habits. It’s hard to be a servant in a world that tells you to be selfish. Throughout the course of the Gospels, Jesus made His purpose abundantly clear. He didn’t come to this earth for selfish reasons. He came to serve. He came to give His life. Everything Jesus did was motivated by His desire to serve. Those who want to be better servants have no better example than Him. In our new sermon series, “Building a Better Servant,” we’re going to spend four weeks looking at Jesus’ life to see what made Him such a great servant. As we walk through the events of Jesus’ life together, we’ll see what a serv