River Valley Christian Church

Time | Ecclesiastes 9



Selected Quotes: "Wisdom is found in dealing with reality, not living in fantasy." "No matter the season, God can bring beauty to it. " "There is beauty to be found in any season. " "At every turn, Jesus knew what time it was. He knew what to do and when to do it. And, when the time came for Him to die, it was all according to God’s timing, as well." "[God is] navigating us through every season so that we might know Him and worship Him more deeply. " "God looks over the course of eternity and sees it all. He sees all of life from beginning to end and on into eternity. " "God has a greater perspective than I do. I can’t see what He sees. I can’t know what He knows. All I can do is trust that He is in control of it." --- “If you could write a letter to your 18-year-old self, what would you say?” Most 18-year-olds have heads full of hopes and dreams. They look forward to the