River Valley Christian Church

Purpose & The Meaning of Life (Ecclesiastes 12)



Selected Quotes: Live with God in mind. Make your choices while looking to Him. Doing this saves us from the kind of meaningless existence Solomon cautions us against. If we look for meaning in anything other than God, we are going to be utterly disappointed by it. Everything you have and everything you are given by Him. One day, God will ask you what you did with that gift. What we do matters today because it will matter in eternity. ------ “If you could write a letter to your 18-year-old self, what would you say?” Most 18-year-olds have heads full of hopes and dreams. They look forward to the future and everything it holds for them. Most can envision where they want to be and how they’re going to get there. The promises and the possibilities seem endless. At some point, however, the future becomes the present, and the possibilities start to dry up. Life has a funny way of subverting our expectations and changing our