River Valley Christian Church

Hope In God Alone



| SELECTED QUOTES | "Only when our ladder falls do we realize that we’ve been resting it on something insecure. Only then do we recognize that maybe we placed our hope in the wrong place. We’ve been leaning on the wrong wall.” "The brokenness of this world reminds us that we were made for better.” "We have victory. We have honor. We are loved. We are chosen. Nothing in this world can promise us anything like that." --- | SERIES INTRODUCTION | Hebrews 6:19: “…Hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls…" We live in a world where hope is hard to come by. In fact, we’ve all had our dreams crushed and our hopes shattered so many times that it’s often hard for us to hope. We talk about “false hopes” and say things like, “I don’t want to get my hopes up” to help us deal with the fact that hope rarely seems to pan out. But, what is hope? Why