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You Think You Know What Meat Is... But You Have No Idea



Eating meat has been part of the human identity for 2.5 million years, but according to science, what exactly is meat? Read More: What Gives Meat Its Color?“Red, or dark meat is made up of muscles with fibers that are called slow-twitch. These muscles are used for extended periods of activity, such as standing or walking, and need a consistent energy source.” Will Meatless Meat Be The Future Of Food?“Books, TV and film have given us many concepts of futuristic food over the years. Perhaps a pill that makes you full without having to eat anything else, or various liquid concoctions full of essential vitamins and minerals. In reality, the near future of food, particularly meat, actually looks... a lot like the meat we eat today, but for one major difference: it’s grown inside a lab.”Organic Farming Could Feed the World, but Only If People Consume Less Meat https://ww