Speaking Of Gis

Women in GIS



Organized in 2012, WiGIS has been very active at conferences and on the web.  Join Christina Boggs-Chavira and me as we talk about issues in the modern work place. Website: Women in GIS Twitter:  @WomeninGIS   Show Notes: Founding Topics for Women in GIS Women in GIS and Women in STEM Thriving in the Workplace: Self-Advocacy Building Allies Risk Taking and Not Getting Blindsided Where’s your Awesome Folder? Hiring and Managing Teams: Checking for Bias Job Advertising and Advertising Dealing with Resume Gaps Advocacy: Mentorships Mailing Lists Job Announcements Want to volunteer? Christina can be found on Twitter. Join the GIS conversation at @speakingofgis. Feedback? Reach out to me at kurt@speakingofgis.com. Music Credit:  Lee Rosevere, Bridgeport