Nehma Ministries Podcast

Old Story - Just2 | قصة قديمة - دقيقتين_بس



Most people like stories. Some stories are 2 years old, 10 years old, 20 years old and so on. And when the story is told over and over from one person to another is subject to lots of changes. For example, If a particular story was told by 5 people, they may change the content, the characters, the names so maybe they are talking about India, you will discover that it was about Lebanon, they will also change the name from Ibrahim to Tony. A story changes over the years specially if it was old then there is a big chance of loosing its true info and actual facts. If your grandmother tells you a story her grandma told her, trust me, the story will not be the same. People tend to fix and change and colorize stories and this is typical human nature. Imagine that the story of the Bible, the story of Jesus, is 2000 years old. Did you ever ask yourself if the story is true, specially if you heard it from someone and you never read it yourself. You may have false ideas or doctrines about Jesus simply because you di