Covenant Community Church - Gps-god Positioning System

Is God In Your Future? – Nitty Gritty (Session Four)



Is God In Your Future? – Nitty Gritty (Session Four) Topics/Passage: Being Involved in the future, Facing the Future, Invitation to the Future, Joshua 1:1-10 Summary: The Nitty Gritty series has been forcing us to build on our foundation of what we believe and why it matters. Along the way we have explored whether or not God cares for us, which is a much more important question than whether or not He exists. Our study has forced us to really examine what it means when Jesus says He is the only way, and why what He is offering sets Christianity apart from every other religious faith in history. In our last session we explored the essence of what real faith truly is and what it is not. Now with all of that foundation, we ponder the future. Your future… what happens and how do you face it? Whether the future seems far off or if it staring us in the face- the questions God in your future and what does He have to tell you about it?