St John Paul Ii, We Love You - Totus2us

Blessed Pope John Paul II, We Love You -31- Sophie -on 1st anniversary of election of Pope Francis - Totus Tuus, Totus2us



Sophie, from England: "I have been truly inspired by the love and the life of Pope John Paul II. As a young person, he wasn't especially a Pope that I knew much about but through going to World Youth Days and reading his works, I've been truly inspired. By looking at his life has really helped me in mine. Just by his openness to and call to young people has been really inspiring. I will be going with a very large group of students to the canonization of John Paul II in Rome in a month and we're all very excited, and we're all very conscious that through growing through Youth 2000 and World Youth Day and such events, he has inspired us to live the faith and the call to be a saint in every day life." Music by Mike Mangione. Visit for much more. Totus Tuus (All Yours) was Blessed John Paul II's apostolic motto to Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.