Laplay's Podcast

the L.A. Play: Why Are People Smiling At Me?



The L.A. Play features original weekly episodes about living in L.A. in the 1980s written by theater artist, Meg Kruszewska. The adventures of the main character, Zosia, begin with her arrival on a bus from back East and takes us into the strange and wonderful world of artists trying to survive in L.A. She works day jobs where co-workers want to make her "more L.A." But she's just a Polish girl from Bridgeport. Why was she doing theater in a film industry town? Is everyone into sex, drugs and rock n roll here? Why did everyone smile at her? Should she join in, or write a play about them instead? The life and times of a young woman artist in L.A. during the craziest time to be there. When money seemed to come and go easily, creativity flowed like traffic on the freeways, people fell in love after they slept together and rent was still cheap enough to not have roommates.