World Youth Days - Totus2us

WYD / JMJ 2011 Madrid - Emily, Alex, John et Pape Benoît XVI - Firmes en la Fe - Totus2us



World Youth Day / Jornadas Mundiales de la Juventud 2011 Madrid. Emily, from France: "This summer I answered the Pope's call and the experience was just exhilarating, simply, simply just mind-blowing.  Meeting so many young people, making new friends and all sharing the same faith is just a great experience. I think for anybody it's a great way to either discover faith, reinforce it or rediscover it." Alex, from England: "I was completely amazed by the whole experience: the crowds were humongous and every nationality under the sun." John, from Wales: "The highlight for me, as well as seeing the Pope which was great, was the vigil leading a Holy Hour of praise and worship from 2-3 am in an open tent. So there was Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, above us was just the moon and the stars, it was wonderful, just wonderful." Pape Benoît XVI: "Chers jeunes francophones, soyez fiers d’avoir reçu le don de la foi, c’est elle qui illuminera votre vie à chaque instant. Appuyez-vous sur la foi de vos proches, sur la foi