Gotham Talk Podcast - Gothamtalk

Gotham Talk Podcast S1 Ep15 - SCARECROW Show #15



When Gerald Crane targets another victim, James Gordon and Harvey Bullock investigate his background and discover that he was a biology teacher whose wife died in a fire accident that he was too scared to rescue her from. Believing that fear is a human flaw, he harvested adrenal glands in order to use them to create a fear serum that makes people see their greatest fears, hoping that it will help them face and overcome them. James and Harvey track him down to his house, where after injecting his son Jonathan with the fear serum is killed in a gunfight. Jonathan is rushed to the hospital afterwards, where the doctor says that due to the amount of serum injected into him, he will always be seeing his greatest fear, which in his case are scarecrows. Meanwhile, Fish Mooney is abducted and taken to a rowdy prison-like area by unknown assailants. She kills the leader of the prisoners and then takes his place.