Gotham Talk Podcast - Gothamtalk

Gotham Talk Podcast #43 - S 2 Ep 20 UNLEASHED



Gordon and Bruce question Professor Strange about Project Chimera, witch later makes Strange to send out Theo Galavan, now under the name of Azrael, who is sent out to take out Gordon. While at Arkham Asylum, Gordon bumps into Edward Nygma in the playroom. Nygma later overhears Strange and Peabody complaining about Gordon's interference. Nygma suggests that he can help them by taking out Gordon, but Strange refuses his suggestion. Bruce is told by Bullock and Gordon that their isn't enough evidence to imprision Hugo Strange. Azrael gets some memories back after looking over posters from Galavan's election. After that Gordon has been imprisoned by Nathaniel Barnes, lights flicker, and Azrael shows up, killing a little bunch of officers, and makes an attempt for Gordon, but doesn't succeed in it. Barnes and Gordon flee to a balcony, where Barnes fights Azreal with his pipe, and breaks his sword and rips of his mask, realizing Azrael's identity. In the end, Barnes is sent to hospital and Gordon leaves the GCPD b