Gotham Talk Podcast - Gothamtalk

Gotham Talk Podcast #48- S 3 Ep 3 LOOK INTO MY EYES



Hypnotist Jervis Tetch (Benedict Samuel) hires Gordon to find his sister Alice (Naian Gonzalez Norvind), an Indian Hill escapee whose blood contains a virus. Barnes offers Lee her old job back at GCPD. Cobblepot runs for mayor to clean up Gotham's corrupt system; to aid with his campaign, he has Edward Nygma declared legally sane and released from Arkham. Gordon gets into a brawl and is stitched up by Lee's new fiancé, Mario Calvi (James Carpinello), at the ER. After Alice tells Gordon she wants nothing to do with her brother, Gordon questions Tetch, who hypnotizes him into nearly committing suicide. Alice saves Gordon, who brings her into GCPD. Lee and Mario have dinner with Mario's father, the ex-Don Carmine Falcone. Bruce takes in his doppelgänger—subject 514A, a.k.a. "Five"—who demonstrates impressive fighting skills and an imperviousness to pain. Five later impersonates Bruce and takes an oblivious Selina out on the town.