Gotham Talk Podcast - Gothamtalk

Gotham Talk Podcast #52 - S 3 Ep 9 EXECUTIONER



Driven mad by the virus, Nathaniel Barnes has become a vigilante, murdering any criminals that cross his path. After Gordon becomes suspicious of Barnes, he attempts to frame Gordon for the murder of a low-level criminal, but is unable to convince the GCPD. After a showdown, Barnes is arrested and incarcerated in Arkham Asylum. After Cobblepot kills Isabella, Nygma suspects Butch Gilzean for the act. Cobblepot promises to help bring retribution to Butch. Ivy Pepper reveals herself to Bruce and Selina in her new adult form. However, she is followed by people seeking to kill her. The three of them escape, believing that they were being hunted because of a necklace that Ivy stole. They are convinced otherwise when they discover that the original owner of the necklace is dead and that the necklace contains a key.