Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/13/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina sounds like Hillary Clinton. She is taking her comments from liberal and establishment types when it comes to immigration. Americans would do well to remember that we are a nation of citizens, not immigrants. A nation of immigrants who overstay their visas is a lawless one. Also, Ted Cruz is doing favorably in the polls, but the media and establishment Republicans can't accept that. Instead they resort to attacking him through a New York Times piece that tries to label him as a hypocrite. Hillary Clinton is covering up for her email scandal and was responsible for the Benghazi failure, yet the media would rather focus on the non-criminal issues of Ted Cruz. Finally, conservatives have to be careful not to let Jeb Bush or establishment types slip past them while they are bickering over unimportant issues.