Colin Thomson: Do More

044: Solo Saturday: What is Periscope, and How Can Musicians Use It?



Key Take Aways: Periscope is a live video streaming app, exclusively for use on mobile devices After broadcasting, you have the option to either save the “scope” for 24 hours, or get rid of the replay immediately 2015 has proven to be the year that live video streaming really caught on as a social medium The idea of live-streaming really catching on in a massive way should be very exciting for musicians, especially those who thrive under live circumstances The live aspect of performances has been an essential aspect of what musicians do, and until now there has been no social medium that allows for you to really display this side. Now, there is! Periscope really rewards the spontaneous types. While it is a good idea to have a certain idea of what you’re going to do, and practice and preparation and key as always - those who can roll with whatever happens are those who are going to thrive on Periscope Tips: While YouTube videos and all other social media posts usually do better when they are short, this is