Starburst Radio Podcast

Starburst Radio Podcast 14th March 2012



Stardate 14th March 2012... In which Mike Royce tells burnt out celebrity horror stories, examines Tiswas and Swap Shop class warfare, shares his pathological hatred of dog movies, has a real problem with Sleeping Beauty, and isn’t impressed with the recent CV of Alex Winter. Kris Heys remembers the ‘Funky Bunker’, is unsure about Time Travel in ‘My Two Dads’, reveals the truth behind the William Shatner ‘Halloween’ mask, and uncovers the evils of Ehren Kruger and the OTHER ending of Scream 4. John Carter is reviewed, The film career of Venom is debated, and the love trials of Nick Cage prove hard to swallow... All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.