Starburst Radio Podcast

Starburst Radio Podcast 25th March 2012



Stardate 25th March 2012... [Featuring Uncle Ugly Nathan Fillion] In which Kris Heys reveals the woes of ’John Carter’, reminisces over ‘Smurfgate’, reveals more from ‘Cinema Piracy Chronicles’, and gives us all ‘Webisode 101’. Mike Royce gets way too excited over abandoned Fairgrounds, engages in daylight saving time mind games, hates mirrored space combat, and has a slip up that reveals his troubled history with cockerel distributed movie companies. The new ‘Battlestar Galactica’ spin off is discussed, ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 2 is reviewed, the music of Batman is debated, and what do Mike and Kris make of ‘The Hunger Games’? All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.