Starburst Radio Podcast

Starburst Radio Podcast 25th November 2012



Stardate 25th November 2012 [The Farewell To Twilight Special] In which Mike Royce explains why actors on The Walking Dead might not want a pay rise, why his favourite month now might be ‘Djanguary’, and reveals his utter contempt for ‘Black Friday’. Kris Heys explains the phenomena of ‘Battle Damaged VHS’, the horrors of his Lost DVD boxset, and the truth behind Captain America’s flesh prosthetic. The future of Starburst Radio is revealed. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 is reviewed, and the whole Twilight franchise given a post-mortem. [Warning: Twilight fans may want to prepare themselves for the harsh realities of life when listening to this episode!] All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online