
Antoine Troupe



In Episode 23 of DanceSpeak, you will meet choreographer and mega teacher, Antoine Troupe. Quickly, one learns that Antoine goes beyond the dance realm and is not-so-secretly a motivational force. But what is the path that lead to the Antoine, the leader, the social media maven, being the person we recognize him as today? Our conversation sheds light on his journey from the Bay Area, through reality television and to the challenges and and successes experienced in Los Angeles. You'll find out about the unintended process that had Antoine working for Prince, and the exciting stories behind the making of a Prince music video and subsequent work. Antoine openly shares advice that he has for professional dancers, teachers, and choreographers looking to break into the industry. Learn what to do and not to do on set, the unknown history to Antoine's infamous movement style and what is next for this mogul in the making.