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Introduction to SQL PowerShell (the awesome new 2016 version)! with Aaron Nelson



Let’s face it, using SQL PowerShell prior to SQL Server 2016 was like installing training wheels on a Ducati. But things have massively changed. Your community feedback was incorporated before SQL 2016 shipped and presto, SQL PowerShell is actually useful all of a sudden. But it gets better! The SQL Tools team at Microsoft has promised to keep adding new cmdlets every month and keep making improvements to the SQL Provider. SQL PowerShell offers faster ways to manage SQL Servers, develop & deploy SQL databases, and identify performance bottlenecks. I will show you these new features in the new SqlServer module and why you will find it useful, whether you are a SQL Developer, B/I Developer, or DBA. The SQL Server team has already delivered cmdlets to help you manage SQL Server Agent Jobs, review the SQL Error Log, Add / Manage & Remove Logins, and write data to tables in SQL Server. 2017 promises even more cmdlets and you don’t want to be left behind! (P.S. That picture of the TreeMap up there, that was