
OH001 – Concorde Effect



@heckerhut, @dirkjaeckel and @j32804 Some time passed after the DAO goxed. We will probably need to mention it again, because it raised a lot of questions about jurisdictions etc. What has happened since? http://cointimes.tech/2016/08/12/etcdao-stolen-coins-frozen-by-exchanges-was-sent-by-ethereum-foundation-developers/ Esma Discussion paper https://www.esma.europa.eu/sites/default/files/library/2016-773_dp_dlt.pdf Dominic Williams about tokens and security law https://medium.com/@dominic_w/on-protocol-tokens-and-securities-law-8e54d2237eee#.ll96uwj8n Sian Jones gave some regulatory update on Epicenter Bitcoin. EU regulations are not so restrictive towards fintech / virtual currency businesses? But what about crowdsales? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F-Z3rlOapk Its funny that there is a certain amount of worries around whether crowdsales are legal, and whether people can get in trouble basically printing their own money or issuing securities. As a friend of mine put it: blockchain is a hot new coo