Pile Of Shame

#32 - @AdamBGeek



http://d20crit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/PoS32.mp3 Welcome to the support group for those struggling under their huge pile of video games. Conquer the pile and don’t quit! Today is September 1st, 2017 and I am joined by Adam to discuss his gaming history, the joys of Witcher III, chat about some Bungie games, and talk more about Witcher III. Stay tuned to hear about he tackles the Pile of Shame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwLCXL_ujq8 Interview Guest: Chris Case - @AdamBGeek Assassin’s Creed II Destiny 2 Halo 5: Guardians Halo Reach Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime Midnight Club Pacman Red Dead Redemption Skyrim Transformers Devastation Uncharted Series Witcher III Wizardry World of Warcraft Theme Music: Dawn of Neptune https://soundcloud.com/dawn-of-neptune - The New Uprising   Show Twitter: @PoShame | Twitch: PoShame | YouTube: PoShame Channel | Email: show@poshame.com Rob Steam: Chaithi | PSN: Kitsucoon | X