Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

Ep. 39 - How To Make Money Fast And Grow Your Business In 2 Easy Steps



People make marketing way too freaking complicated. Truly all it comes down to is two steps. That's it! If you want to make money in ANY business - online or off - there are only two steps. And I'm going to reveal exactly what those steps are in this episode! Time Stamped Show Notes 00:52 – Introduction. 00:57 – A couple of weeks ago, I decided "Hey! I want some extra income" So in the course of just 7 day I generated $10,000 in extra revenue for my business AND I only spent $57 to make it happen. 1:14 – The truth is that making money is really easy, it just comes down to two steps. Here they are: 1:29 – Step # 1 is to create an offer, in order for someone to buy from you, you have to have something to buy. It sounds simple, but a lot of entrepreneurs focus so much on list building, giving value, or posting on social media, that they forget to just put an offer in front of people and ask for the sale. 1:54 – So if you're not making money, ask yourself am I making offers? The other problem I see is when entre