

I love me some vacations and I’ve got a couple coming up here, so I wanted to talk about... how do you take vacations and still make sure that your business is going to be sustainable in the meantime while you are gone? How will your business operate and you not have to worry? How can you go away without being attached to your phone or email? It really comes down to having plans and operating procedures that dictate how your business is going to operate when a vacation is coming up and when it’s actually happening. Let's dive in!   Time Stamped Show Notes: 1:01 – I love to take vacations; people say that you should build a business that you don’t need to be away from or build a life that you don’t need a vacation from but I disagree with that because even if you have the most perfect life ever people still need a change of pace and scenery in their lives. I love taking vacations whether they are close by in Florida or overseas. 1:59 – I wanted to talk about how do you take vacations and still make sure that