

Today we're having Michele PW onto the show, who is the leading expert on Love-Based Copywriting, an approach that challenges the typical fear-based, pushy energy of typical direct response copywriting. If you have learned from traditional sales and copywriting experts and still have this icky feeling inside of you, and really wish there was a better way to communicate to your ideal client without feeling gross in the process, Michele's approach is probably exactly what you need. It's copywriting that FEELS GOOD and gets RESULTS too!   Time Stamped Show Notes: 1:38 – Introduction 6:53 – Michele was in the coaching industry and many of her friends, associates and clients told her that they hated traditional direct response copywriting and they asked her if she could come up with things like conscious copywriting or attraction copywriting and they were very helpful by giving her names but she didn’t want to come with another name rather she wanted to reform the whole direct response copywriting industry not ju