Grant Writing & Funding

BONUS EP: New to Grant Writing, Christina Made $30,840 While Working on Her MFA



Join Holly Rustick and Christina Royster, CEO of Cape Fear Grant Solutions, as she discusses how she managed to learn how to write grants, open her business and earn $30,840 in her freelance grant writing business, and work on her novel in her MFA program - all in less than a year. Doors to the Freelance Grant Writer Academy close this Sunday, Feb. 2nd at 11:59 pm EST. Go to to Replace Your Full-Time Income, on Flexible Hours, Writing Grants from Home - just like Christina. To learn more about Christina, visit: "Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts Favor, please? If you love this podcast, would you please do me a favor and leave a review on iTunes or your podcast listener? This helps others find the podcast and I read each and every review! “Every time I listen to Holly’s show, I learn something”