Via Jazz

El sextet One for All



Música que sona al programa: "In the lead" i "Edgerly" (de l'àlbum "Big George", 2024) One for all: Eric Alexander, saxo tenor; Jim Rotondi, trompeta; Steve Davis, trombó; David Hazeltine, piano; John Webber, contrabaix; Joe Farnsworth, bateria. "Dedicated to you" i "Too soon to tell" (de l'àlbum "Too soon to tell", 1997) One for All. "Body and soul" (de l'àlbum "Blues for Gerry", 2023) David Hazeltine, piano; Peter Washington, contrabaix; Joe Farnsworth, bateria. "Daylight" i "For Curtis" (de l'àlbum "The third decade", 2016) One for All. "Blueslike" (de l'àlbum "Blueslike", 2003) One for All. "Skylark" (de l'àlbum "Blues for Gerry", 2023) David Hazeltine, piano; Peter Washington, contrabaix; Joe Farnsworth, bateria.