Pista De Fusta

Regals de Reis



Escoltem clàssics com qui obre regals del dia de Reis. La trobada mensual amb les cançons de tots els temps del teu programa favorit. 01 Dana - "All kinds of everything" 02 Webby Jay - "In the rain" 03 Djavan - "Fato consumado" 04 Bo Diddley - "Sixteen tons" 05 Robert Parker - "Barefootin'" 06 Colleen Grant - "Latin parang" 07 Denis & Denis- "Ja sam lazljiva" 08 Change - "Paradise" 09 Chic - "Chic mystique (MAW radio mix with rap)" 10 Plustwo - "Melody (feat. Belen Thomas)" 11 Tokio - "You can't stop this game" 12 Imperials - "Fast Freddie the roller disco king" 13 Hollis P. Monroe - "I'm lonely" 14 Pulp - "Sheffield: sex city" 15 Cybotron - "Clear (Jose "Animal" Diaz remix)"