Sales Heroes

Episode 11- Butch Bellah: LOL + Professionalism= SALES



Butch Bellah is the lead partner of He is a coach, trainer, speaker for all kinds of companies all over.  His wit, and knowledge of sales are DYNAMITE. Origin: Sold newspapers as a kid (got the idea from a Richie Rich comic!) Corporate Career was spent at a wholesale distribution company and brought sales from $35 million to $250 million! He later managed and bought the company. 2014 Published 10 Habits of Sales Superstars. Comedy was his #1 school of learning sales. Super Power-loves to read and learn...getting better Mentor: Noble Feldman, always did what was right thing because it was the right thing...not to make money. Loves to inspire: Learn, Practice, Teach Hero Group: Destination Forward-a sales mastermind group. STAY TUNED TO EPISODE 2, WHERE BUTCH REALLY BLASTS OFF!