T'agrada El Blues?

Robben Ford i Little Steve



Avui a "T'agrada el blues", dos excel·lents discos: "Keep on running" del californià de Woodlake Robben Ford, un dels bluesmans moderns més considerats i respectats i "Another man", el primer disc d'un nouvingut en aquest "negoci", l'holandès Little Steve, que practica un blues rockabilly impecable. A més, Quico Pi de la Serra interpreta en directe "Swinging blues II". "Keep on running" – Robben Ford (CD "Keep on running") "My time after awhile" – Robben Ford "Me and my woman" – Robben Ford "For the love of money" – Robben Ford "Cannonball shuffle (for Freddie King)" - Robben Ford "Just foolin' around" – Little Steve & The Big Beat (CD "Another man") "I gotta know" – Little Steve & The Big Beat "Dangerous kind" – Little Steve & The Big Beat "Things" – Little Steve & The Big Beat "Yes you can" - Little Steve & The Big Beat Pi de la Serra en directe: "Swinging blues II"