T'agrada El Blues?

The Cash Box Kings i Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown



"T'agrada el blues?" proposa una novetat interesantíssima: "Royal mint", l'últim disc de la prestigiosa banda especialitzada en el blues de Chicago The Cash Box Kings. Sentim també "San Antonio Ballbuster", el cabdal disc de l'imprescindible i gran bluesman de Louisiana (Vinton) Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown. Quico Pi de la Serra interpreta en directe "Hola, blues" "House Party" – The Cash Box Kings (CD "Royal mint") "I'm gonna get my baby" – The Cash Box Kings "Flood" – The Cash Box Kings "Build that wall" – The Cash Box Kings "Traveling riverside blues" – The Cash Box Kings "Don't let life tether you down" - The Cash Box Kings "May the bird of paradise fly up your" - Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown (CD San Antonio Ballbuster) "Don't start me talking" – Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown "Gates salty blues" – Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown "Goin' down slow" – Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown "Long way home" - Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown Pi de la Serra en directe: "Hola, blues"