Kung Fu Drive-in Podcast

INTERVIEW: GIAN GALANG, Artist, Illustrator, Martial Artist



UPCOMING GIAN GALANG EXHIBIT: MAY 14-29, GALLERY NUCLEUS FORM & FURY: THE ART OF WUSHU https://www.gallerynucleus.com/ Putting the "artist" in "martial artist", GIAN GALANG, creates dynamic artwork with a martial arts flavor for companies like Vice, Reebok, the UFC, and most recently, for the Criterion Collection of Bruce Lee's Greatest Hits! We chat about his workflow as he tries to capture the kinetic nature of styles like wushu, muay thai, and MMA in a 2d medium. Plus we get into some film and comics connections through the years. FOR MORE OF GIAN'S ART: https://giangalang.com/ SUPPORT THE KUNG FU DRIVE-IN PODCAST WITH A KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/kungfudrivein We discuss, debate and dissect kung fu movies and martial arts cinema & tv, past, present, and future!  SPONSORS: www.tinboxsolutions.com www.wearenotgoodpeople.com   OUTRO MUSIC: http://youtu.be/5zeRoGFft2s  by Justin H @KingofKungFuAMP