Rusty George Podcast

Episode 028: Better Together with Mike Breaux



Rusty visits with Mike Breaux to discuss the necessity of community with others, what it looks like to be a good parent both when your kids are living in the house, and when they move out, among other topics. Rusty's new book "Better Together" comes out February 6th, preorder it from today! Podcast notes: 1. How does the fire crises in Ventura relate to the power of what God can do through community? a. Community is intentional, but also organic. Love God, love people. That’s how the church grows. “This is why God put us on the planet. To love him, and out of our overflow of love for God, we serve each other… we do life together.” – Breaux b. It is not draining but energizing when you get to help people in immediate need. 2. Power of community through recovery and groups a. It is all about spiritual formation, God changing us from the inside out. “First we pray that someday what happens in the auditorium trickles down to basement, now we pray for what happens in the basement to make its