Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose

IE 50: The Importance of Your WHY in Hitting Your Blogging Goals



Your reason for starting your blog is important to your audience as well as brands that you want to partner with.  It matters why you create your content and it's important factor in continuing to move forward.  If you want to hit your blogging goals, you need to pay attention to your why for your content.If you missed last week’s episode, promise me that you will go back and listen to it. We talked all about creating a vision board to guide you in creating a plan for long-term success.Before we get started, I want you to go over to my website and grab a download I made for you that will help you tremendously with what we are going to be talking about today. Just click here and download your free worksheet.This worksheet dives deep into the power of purpose. Why does that matter? It is everything! Not only does knowing your purpose help you set goals for your business, but it allows you to niche down to your ideal audience. If you don’t know what problem you are solving for your audience, you can’t devel