Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - January 17, 2022 - Say a Prayer and Stare Out the Window



1 Sm 15:16-23 Why do we use oil for anointing?  Does God ask for violence?    Letters:  Did Mary wear a head cover?  Did Jesus really use a chalice?  Why wasn't Jesus named Emmanuel?  When can I find ideas to have silent time listening to the Lord?  Word of the day: Builder  Callers: My wife had an abortion 30 years ago.  I thought it was ok, then I went to confession but just can't get past it. Can you help, Father?  What is your opinion on noise before Mass, like people talking etc. Who are the 'associates' in the morning offering? How do we know we are in a good relationship with God? Why do we refer to the Blessed Mother as Mary and not Miriam?