Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - February 1, 2022 - Lights and Bushels [ENCORE]



2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29 Father shares one of his 'most hairbrained theories' about the Scriptures  Mk 4:21-25 Is the bushel basket what we think it is?   Letters Father explains what a parable means  Why was the Gospel preach to the death?  Email asking with clarification about Romans and the Jewish faith Word of the Day: Priest   Callers:  How do we understand God's mercy and his justice  Ecclesiastes 11:1 'Cast thy bread upon thy water, for thou shalt find it after many days' Could you explain this verse. How do we understand contrition? Commenting on The soldier that touched the Ark of the Covenant and connecting to Peter and David. He would like to get Fr. Simon's reaction Question about the light and the first eastern star