Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - February 14, 2022 - The Prayer of the Believer



Jas 1:1-11 Father talks about the book, The Rise of Christianity and the early Jews that accepted Jesus Mk 8:11-13 Father tells a story of a priest who had problems with faith Letters: What is the role of fear in the Bible?  Did Adam and Eve have children before the fall?  At a particular mass, the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick was offered to many at the parish--was that OK?  Word of the Day: More Corinthian commentary!  Callers: Was leprosy, just a name meaning someone was contagious with something? Could you explain who St. Valentine is and when did St. Valentine's Day turn to Valentine's Day? When we know someone is suffering, and we commiserate w/them, do we suffer with them and that brings us closer to Christ? Which word did Jesus actually use in John 4 with the Samaritan? Is a confession valid if the priest and penitent speak different languages?